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Revision as of 08:41, 25 April 2023 by Varvantakis (talk | contribs)

What research has been done using wikibase or about wikibase? What lies out there?

This instance is an attempt to collect and organise existing research-related resources about Wikibase. As scholars and researchers across various disciplines and knowledge fields increasingly engage with wikibase, there's a corresponding growing demand and curiosity on relevant published research. This database is an attempt to curate such resources. These may be useful to Wikibase users and communities, as well as to researchers, educators and students.

The database is created with the intention to be collaboratively edited. Everyone is welcome to add published research of any sorts (articles, books, chapters, presentations or other), of their own or by others.

Find out more about the structure of this knowledge base, the data model employed and how to participate here.

See an example entry here, here and here


The Research Wikibase instance was created by Christos Varvantakis in February 2023.

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